As such, the following map, showing where a few Mad Men characters live, can help us envision their movements in and around New York City.
Famous NYC Apartments: The Pads of Mad Men
Infographic created by, helping renters search and compare NYC Apartments
Infographic created by, helping renters search and compare NYC Apartments
episode 2x02, someone posted a copy of Joan Holloway's driving permit with her
address on it, downtown in the Village at 42 West 12th Street.
(The red circle around her birth date was from the episode; interestingly enough, this fictional character shares my mother's birth year, and she spent time in Manhattan in the 1960s, helping me imagine a little about what life for her might have been like in that time/place).
In episode 2x07, during dinner at Kitty and Sal Romano's, Ken Cosgrove said, about living in Murray Hill (Midtown, East Side), "I can walk to work...but I don't."
In episode 2x07, during dinner at Kitty and Sal Romano's, Ken Cosgrove said, about living in Murray Hill (Midtown, East Side), "I can walk to work...but I don't."
in episode 3x02, Rebecca and Lane Pryce, over dinner with Betty and Don, mention they found a 3-bedroom in Sutton Place (Upper East Side, not far from Pete Campbell's).
Hmmm....very suspect?