I've mentioned on not a few
occasions that Billy Wilder is my favourite movie-maker of all time. Quentin
Tarantino is up there, as is Spike Lee, David Mamet, David Fincher, John
Hughes, and other honourable mentions. However, insofar as I've been able to
recognize, Wilder was not limited to any single genre - whatever style he
approached, he nailed it.
first Wilder movie I ever saw was not chosen because it was Wilder. I knew
nothing of plot, didn't go looking particularly for it; I was at the video
store (back when one went to video stores to rent videos), and decided to start
getting through some classics. I saw the case, it had some award mentions on
it, so I said "Okay, let's watch this tonight."
That movie was Double
Indemnity, it had me from the opening to the close, and was the beginning
of a journey of movie-making discovery I'm still travelling.
![]() |
Lucaboror, digital relief http://lucabor.deviantart.com/art/Double-Indemnity-Rainy-City-310971006 |
One of the first nifty features of this movie is, it almost tells us how it's going to end. As film noir, it's expected it's going to end badly for the protagonist and, as viewers, we go along for the ride to see how it goes bad. Wilder would employ this approach at least one more time, in Sunset Blvd., (and I haven't seen all his movies – but I'm getting ahead of myself...).

Wilder is a master of dialog. Whether quick wit, or delicious play between two actors, there's a whole lot going on in each scene, in every movie he does. There are infrequently any car chases or explosions, just dramatic story-telling.
Fred MacMurray is Walter Neff, the insurance salesman moth who can't help but be caught in the flame of femme fatale Barbara Stanwick's Phyllis Dietrichson. A routine sales call to renew an insurance policy for her husband is the top of a slippery slope. And down will go Neff. Then there's Eddie G. Robinson as Barton Keyes, Neff's boss. He's a hard-boiled, brilliant claim investigator who smells a rat and is intent upon figuring it out. He comes close...but...oh, I can't spoil it.
Some may question how Neff
could get caught up in...such a crazy scheme. But he does. The thing about
tragedy, especially one that comes through character flaw, is that we are
challenged to think, not about whether "we would do the same thing if we
were in the situation" or not; but, why do people do stupid things? Why
have I done the stupid things I've done?
As a parent, I've asked my
kids, "Why did you do that?" And I got the same "I don't
know" that Bill Cosby has used in his stand-up routine; the same "I
don't know" that I gave my parents when I was a kid. Film noir doesn't
always (if ever) answer that nagging question, whether in the movie or for us
in our real lives. We are left to ponder it and, for the sake of the movie, we
are left to deal with the unanswered question while we follow the story of what
they did anyway.

The chemistry among all the
lead actors is excellent. The pace moves along, I never looked at a clock
wondering how long this movie is. The story moves along with the right amount
of mounting tension, there's a ton of classic, memorable quotes...right to the
end of the line.
Once I'd seen this movie, I went looking for other Wilder titles. And, upon each viewing, I could only smile and affirm that it was no fluke - the guy was a genius.
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