Now we come to my issue with
heroic archetype films, and Hollywood’s current approach towards it. Yes
granted with some of the current films that were recently released, (The
Avengers, Amazing Spiderman and the Dark Knight Rises especially) I still feel
that this genre of films and possibly many more, could soon come to a end.
No I don’t mean they will stop making films like
this, quite the contrary, they will and with more gusto. My issue are the
following: 1.) the choices of which hero/comic/novels they use, 2.) the quality
of the films they put out, including how closely related the film is towards
the heroes themselves, and 3.) Overall Hollywood influence/interference,
particularly if those involved are true fans or not of the novel, comic or
series the films are based on. I’ll go into detail with each of them. The first
issue mentioned is one I think has a tendency to be overlooked. That is until
recently. When you really think about it, why is it some choices of certain
comic or novel based films are given the green light, while others many would
like to see or have been pitched in the past, always seem to be overlooked? For
example, with the success of the Avengers film, plus the general build-up of
anticipation from Marvel, of making the connections of the individual hero
films, to imply the potential of a superhero team affiliated movie was genius.
Now and some are already aware, the members of the Avenger team number more
than who you saw in the recent film. And like most film series, they would
introduce other characters affiliated with the Avengers for Avengers 2. Some
might be included in the film itself, while others might get their own single
film of that superhero to continue the related Marvel films to another sequel
of the team movie. Fans of this genre, (including long-time fans of the comic
series) have expressed which additional hero they would like to see added to
this franchise. Many gave nod towards Luke Cage -aka- Power man, Vision, Wasp,
and Black Panther. Well, according to various rumours and the IMDb site, it
looks like they will make….wait for it…an Ant-Man movie. Yeah…ANT-MAN.
For those of you not familiar with this super
hero, here’s a brief description of him: “Ant-Man aka Dr. Henry Pym is a scientific genius with a Ph.D
in biochemistry, along with expertise in the fields of quantum physics;
robotics/cybernetics; artificial intelligence, and entomology. The character
discovered the subatomic "Pym particles" that enable mass to be
shunted or gained from an alternate dimension, thereby changing the size of
himself or other beings or objects; and is the creator of the robot Ultron.
After constant experimentation with size-changing via ingested capsules and
particle-filled gas, Pym is eventually able to change size at will, and
mentally generate Pym particles to change the sizes of other living beings or
inanimate objects. Pym retains his normal strength when "ant" size,
and possesses greatly increased strength and stamina when in "giant"
form, courtesy of the increased mass. Pym’s costume is synthetic stretch fabric
composed of unstable molecules and automatically adapts to his shifting sizes.”
So roughly, he’s a more bio chemical/ psychological
version of Iron man, only with a bigger conscious and slightly lesser income
bracket. Now I’m not knocking the character, but considering the
genius-turned-superhero has been done to death, why continue that route?
Especially when there are already established heroes like him already on the
Personally a better choice in my opinion would have
been the King of Wakanda himself, Black Panther. Alas, it seems the story of a
wrongfully renounced turned reestablished prince turned king, and Avenger isn’t
as interesting as Ant Man. Also makes you wonder if Hollywood is just appealing
to a certain genre of Anglo Saxon superheroes compared to a visible minority
one. If that be the case…well that’s just one of many issues I have with what’s
happening with these films.
My next issue is with those that are involved with
these film projects, Producers, Directors, and such. I realize that with the
way Hollywood is, at times the directors or producers that are chosen to do the
film projects aren’t always the best choices to create these films. This is
especially true if they’ve only did a moderate amount of research on the
characters of these heroes, or worse still try to re-mould the characters and
storylines to something they feel is more identifiable to those not familiar to
the audience. The problem with this approach is, the film itself comes out as something
so foreign or so far off from the original storyline of the comic/novel they
are based on.
And to be honest, fans of these genres are really
getting tired of it. Think about it, if Peter Jackson, had actually listened to
what ideas some of the co-producers for the LoTR series wanted added to the
film (and what to omit), that movie series wouldn’t be anything remotely what
it is now. That by the way did happen. Peter Jackson mentioned that in his
commentary of the first film of the trilogy. He basically said, he listened to
their suggestions, and basically told them, “I think I would do this movie the
way I think it should be done.” Now, why don’t they have more directors with a
general interest of their themed films make their stances like that?
Finally, my main issue is related to the 2nd one,
how Hollywood continues to influence the quality of these films. Basically
turning a potentially good film based on a heroic character, to just a another
lukewarm money making blockbuster, all special effects and explosions, and very
little to no effort on story plot, shallow one-dimensional inaccurate
characters, completely contrast to what they are in the original read novels
and comics they originated from.
Yes these films are to appeal to at least a wide
audience, but at the very least, if you’re going to do it, PLEASE do it right.
All these substandard, all glitz, no substance films are getting ridiculous. I
feel that with Spiderman, TDKR, and to a lesser extent Avengers, I feel that
the era of good superhero films are coming to a end… Yet, there is a slight
glimmer of hope. During the trailers of TDKR, the teaser for “The Man of Steel”
premiered, and the producer of this one is Christopher Nolan too. I must say it
looks promising, but I never vouch for an entire film based on a trailer, and
neither should you. Still:
I’m curious to know
what you all think about all of these events and issues…thoughts?
I feel you, M. Wanderer. There are going to be cliches that continue to be reskinned and reconstituted. Unfortunately, sometimes Hollywood has to balance the books and can't always take a risk on an artsy project that may not make money.
ReplyDeleteI have not a few favourite movies that were not smashing successes, because the artistic merit in the story was well-presented, glitz or popularity be dashed. But, I'm not the one writing the cheque to produce it, so those who do will have their opinions of what needs to be what.
For example, the original idea for Beverly Hills Cop was for Sylvester Stallone whose revisions would have ballooned the budget beyond the producer's risk tolerance. They brought in Eddie Murphy, scaled the action way down, cranked the comedy up, and the rest is history. Would the movie have been as "successful" if it had cost twice as much to produce? Probably not, since the profitability would have been a part of the fanfare that prompted more people to go see it.
As such, the amount of money required to produce a sci-fi action movie that by its nature needs a ton of special effects is going to be high - to offset that risk, the potential return on investment has to be buttressed as much as possible. It's just the unfortunate nature of the beast.
Does that mean "story" should be relegated? No. However, in truth, how many comic book stories are really that good to begin with? Doesn't matter how much lipstick you smear on a pig...it's still a pig. Perhaps, some comic book heroes are not worth making into a blockbuster movie.
And some, like Black Panther, even though I think it should be made (I'd see it, that's for sure) simply won't have a broad enough base of appeal to make money.
I'm going to have to disagree with you. At least on the part of how good comic book stories are? And if their good enough for a movie? My answer for some of them is a absolute YES. Remember when I showed you that "Identity Crisis" graphic novel? Many feel that it was one of the best written comics of its time, and would make a excellent film. Thres also "Kingdom Come", thats considered an alltime great. Then there are some comic based films that did become great movies already. Two good examples are The Watchmen, and Sin City. Even the current Dark Knight Rises, had many elements of well know Batman graphic novels entailed into it, (ie Hush, The Long Halloween, and Knightfall). So its clear that there are many that have done so already, and many more that can be...if given the chance.
ReplyDeleteBut, your answer for "SOME of them" is precisely my point - some, not all! So, if you are a producer, which of the gazillion comic stories out there are part of the "some" and which are not? And there, my friend, is the gamble.
ReplyDeleteDaredevil. Punisher. Spawn. Batman and Robin. There are all kinds of examples of producers thinking "any old superhero movie will make money," until they find out that such is not the case.
I'm not saying that comic books don't have compelling stories. I'm just saying comic books were always niche to begin with and, as such, broadening the appeal to the mainstream isn't an automatic given, so that it's not a simply matter of just making a comic book movie and expecting the money to roll in.